Ring of Kerry

Ring of Kerry
Between Killarney and Kenmare

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Funny dreams in the Mountains

I have been having bizarre dreams. Night before last I dreamt I met Steve Martin - in my dream he was extremely tall, young and wearing a bright yellow shirt.
Last night woke up after dreaming that vampires were coming to get me. Too weird. Perhaps they were. I went back to sleep.
It's not in any way a scary house - it is just a roomy and very quiet place. Have written more pages..and done a lot more research. Read all about the industrial disputation at the opera house today. Jack Mundey - he of the famed green bans of the early 1970s, was orginally a scaffolder on the Opera House - so he had a lot to do with leading strikes for better wages and conditions. Very interesting.
I had breakfast at the Common Ground cafe in Katoomba this morning - very good coffee in quirky, earthy Rivendell-like surrounds - it is run by a cult after all. But the food's good. Three sisters this arvo as it was the most perfect Autumn day - glorious. Yesterday was just misty, foggy, light rain all day - great for writing.
Banjo playing has slipped as feel pressure to play softly (so as not to disturb anyone) - and that just does not come naturally!

1 comment:

Melbourne Girl said...

Maybe it's something in the water creating those dreams...or, more accurately, something in the vino?
Glad it's all going well up there.